Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Treating tricks

A couple of updates:

I have been to the neurological ophthalmologist (because I couldn't get an appointment with a neurologist [backstory here then here]) and he says that my jerky eye tracking is "asymptomatic" and I should only worry if it starts to cause me problems, e.g. nausea. Given that my concern is that it is a symptom of something else this is only partly reassuring. I am trying hard to be reassured as there is no advantage in worrying. He is also going to chat to a neurologist about it and let me know what they say.

My plan for world domination is progressing, this year we lured 99 trick or treaters to our door. Last year we had 70. I think next year I should cater for 130.


JK said...

I'm glad the problem doesn't seem to be a problem. Keep us posted.
Heh on the world domination. Go!

Anonymous said...

I want to come and live on your street. You don't get any trick or treaters in a second floor apartment..

Karen said...

Maybe next year we should all come to your house...

Last year, with tiny T and in my 1st week back at work I forgot to cater and had only small boxes of raisins... after the 1st disappointed visitors there were no more! And this year none... Perhaps I have a stingy reputation!

Susan Harper said...

New Scientist article about eyes and brains.