Are cat lovers sick?
Toxoplasmosis is disease caused by a parasitic protozoan. The
life cycle the protozoan is aiming for goes from cats to soil to rodents to cats. When rodents are infected with t
oxoplasmosis their behaviour changes: their reaction times are slowed and they are attracted to (rather than being repelled by) the smell of cats. This is clearly a good thing for the protozoan as it makes the rodents it infects more likely to be eaten by cats.
In the
life cycle of the protozoan it is easy for things to go wrong. Many other animals, not just rodents, can become infected from the soil. Humans can become infected either from eating imperfectly washed vegetables grown in soil with
toxoplasmosis oocysts in it or from eating inadequately cooked meat from animals who became infected from such soil. Recently studies have been done that show that people infected by
toxoplasmosis also have slower reaction times and much higher car accident rates.
When I was pregnant I realised that if
toxoplasmosis is common in NZ then I have it - I grew up with cats who hunted and a
vege garden. What I wonder is, there are clearly people who are drawn to cats, is this also an effect of
toxoplasmosis? If you tested people who grew up with cats but are not 'cat people' would you find that they are not infected?
Am I infected because I'm a cat person or am I a cat person because I'm infected?