Tuesday, November 07, 2006

10 lies about my chicken pox

  1. It is better to get chicken pox as an adult.
  2. I've been sicker with the 'flu.
  3. Having a hundred spots on my face made me feel beautiful.
  4. I'm disappointed none of my spots got infected and I didn't get pneumonia or encephalitis.
  5. Taking oral antihistamines was a waste of time.
  6. I'm not itchy.
  7. Next time I'm sick I hope my favourite doctor is away again.
  8. I hope to have permanent scarring.
  9. I'm glad the doctor told me that Pinetarsol is just a placebo and I agree with his judgement.
  10. I'm looking forward to picking the scabs out of my hair at work.

1 comment:

JK said...

You are very good at the 10 lies thing. I'm not. I am sorry you had chicken pox. So sooooooo sorry. Are you back at work now?